Digital Residency Archive:

Fiona Gordon: January 23-30, 2023

During this residency, an online exhibition was configured displaying 2560x1600 px, a new web installation by artist Fiona Gordon. This vibrant and multidimensional work was created by the artist for her digital residency. The installation consisted of 4 video works and a selection of custom pngs.

2560x1600 px, web installation, 2023

2560x1600 px is a self-confessional exploration that exposes the reality of life as a screen drained, image overloaded, Gen-Zer attempting to escape the confinements of femininity by existing as a glitched body in the online sphere. Virtually laying herself bare, this gal invites an online audience to route through her folders that capture the hectic reality of our screen time consumption and the implications of being chronically online. She presents her own version of femininity embracing the surreal, bizarre, and excessively chaotic, to confront the overwhelming number of images of the female body and surrounding ideologies we absorb daily. She uses her image to access and engage with the outside world and expose the complex relationship between women's interior voice and expectations of exterior perfection.

Employing computer altering processes onto my image in the virtual realm avoids voyeuristic anxieties and destroys the idea that women have an inherent love for the camera. This captures the fragile relationship between women and imagery. It exposes how editing can completely disturb reality; femininity is then something malleable, manipulated and toyed with.

Taking on a lo-fi, thrash aesthetic allows this work to unmask the plastic reality of the media in fluxed imagery we obsess over. Playing into the chaos of internet culture reminds an audience that they are shifting away from authenticity and towards the thirst for churned out content. 2560x1600 px refers to the resolution of the laptop screen that this work was made within the confinements of and will continue to develop beyond its current form.

Our digital residencies provide digital space and time for artists to exhibit work on our virtual platform.

Image from 2560x1600 px, web installation, 2023, courtesy of the artist.


Nina Fern


Rory Malone